Archive: FAIEMA 2023. Athens, Greece; 25th-26th September
The conference is concluded. Registration is closed
FAIEMA 2023 welcomed all participants to Athens on 25th-26th September
Room 1: "Ioannis Drakopoulos" Amphitheatre, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The “Ioannis Drakopoulos” Amphitheatre, the old “Medicine School Amphitheatre”, is located in the Main Building of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Propylaea (Panepistimiou St. 30).
Room 2: "Kostis Palamas" Hall, National and the Kapodistrian University of Athens. The Hall is located in the neo-classical building (Akadimias 48) that was erected in 1857 and named after the famous Greek poet Kostis Palamas, who acted as General Secretary of the University (1897-1928). It was renovated in 1981 and in 1985, the building’s current function was inaugurated to house the University Community Hall.
1st International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications; 25th - 26th September 2023; Athens, Greece.
Join us for the 1st International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA 2023) in Athens, Greece, scheduled for 25th – 26th September 2023 as an in-person conference. FAIEMA 2023 will provide a platform for researchers, leaders, decision-makers, and policymakers to share their research and insights on the forefronts of AI. This conference is a response to the growing need among those working on artificial intelligence in academia, business and industry, and the public sector to explore opportunities in this constantly evolving field.
Accepted papers will be published as an edited book volume with the Springer book series: Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Multidisciplinary Applications (Electronic ISSN 2731-8133, Print ISSN 2731-8125), subject to the peer-review process of conference organizers and Springer. Extended versions of high-quality papers would be invited to be published as a special issue on Artificial Intelligence in the International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (Electronic ISSN 0976-4348, Print ISSN 0975-6809). Published volumes would be indexed with Springer and SpringerNature. Additionally, indexing through IEEE Xplore, DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, SCImago, and Scopus is explored.
We invite submissions of full research papers, conceptual papers, and short papers for the conference proceedings. We welcome articles on the following topics, but not limited to:
Advances in AI – NLP, Vision, Voice, and Self-taught AI Systems
Soft Computing and Evolutionary Computing;
NeuroEvolutionary Techniques;
Innovations in AI methods, techniques, and algorithms;
Explainable AI;
AI and Robotics;
AI and Automatic Control;
AI and Cloud;
AI and IoT;
Intelligent Engineering Systems, Expert Systems;
Knowledge-Based Systems;
Ethical use of AI;
Guiding the Development of Human-Friendly AI;
Exploring human well-being through AI;
AI for competitive advantage;
AI applications – Health, Energy, Manufacturing, Education, Digital Humanities, and Others;
AI applications for business solutions, governance, education, economic planning, and legal solutions;
Research Track: The research track invites both full-length research papers and short​ conceptual papers.
Ph.D. Symposium Track: The Ph.D. symposium track invites Ph.D. students to submit their planned or ongoing research as short or full-length papers.
Industrial Track: Industrial sessions are planned as invited talks and tutorials from experts in the Industry. There is no paper submission under this track. If you have industrial work as a paper, kindly submit it under the "Research Track". If you are interested hold a Exhibit, Tutorial, or Talk under the Conference, kindly contact us via the "Contact Us" form.
Papers submitted to the conference will undergo a thorough peer review process. Accepted papers would be published in the conference proceedings. Authors would be invited to present their papers at the conference.
Guidelines for Submission:
Papers submitted to the conference proceedings must follow the Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science template (LNCS format). You may read about the formatting guidelines here. A full paper is expected to be less than 14 pages. Pages beyond the specified limit will have additional charges. See the "Registration" section. A short paper can have a maximum of 6 pages. The page limit for all papers includes references. A page is considered to have a maximum of 550 words.
Below, we have listed templates for a proceeding paper for Latex and MSWord word processors.
The papers will undergo a single-blind peer review process to ensure that they do not contain any instances of plagiarism and have not been simultaneously submitted to any other conference (i.e., multiple submissions). At least three reviewers would be engaged per paper.
Authors should be transparent about the use of AI tools like ChatGPT in their works. We follow the COPE guidelines for the use of AI tools. Furthermore, authors are also expected to follow certain ethical principles when submitting their work. Read more about the prescribed ethical responsibilities of authors set forth by Springer.
Submission Link:
Steering Committee:​
Dr. Antorweep Chakravorty; Associate Professor, University of Stavanger, Norway (Chair)
Dr. Michael Riegler; Chief Research Scientist hos Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering, Norway
Dr. Pushpak Bhattacharyya; Professor, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, India
Dr. N. (Nishant) Saurabh, Assistant Professor, Utrecht University, Netherland
Sachin Gaur; Research Co-Ordinator, Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Consortium (NORA), Norway
Organization Committee:​
General Chair: Dr. Michael Riegler; Chief Research Scientist hos Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering, Norway
Local Co-Chair:
Dr. Maria Tzamtzi; Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Dr. Dimitrios Pavlou; Professor, University of Stavanger, Norway
Program Committee Co-Chair:
Dr. Klaus Schöffmann; Associate Professor, Klagenfurt University, Austria
Dr. Pushpak Bhattacharyya; Professor, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, India
Research Track Co-Chair: ​​​
Dr. Nikolaos Kouvakas; Associate Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Dr. Jayachander Surbiryala; Engineer, University of Stavanger, Norway
Ph.D. Symposium Co-Chair:
Dr. George Panagiotakis; Assistant Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Neel Kanwal; Ph.D. Student, University of Stavanger, Norway
Arezo Shakeri, Ph.D. Student, University of Stavanger, Norway
Industrial Track Co-Chair:
Dr. Bikash Agrawal; Head of Research and Development, Simplifai AS, Norway
Abhishek Thakur; 1st 4x Kaggle Grandmaster; Open-Source Researcher, Hugging Face, USA
Proceeding Co-Chair:
Dr. Ajit Kumar Verma; Professor, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway
Dr. Mina Farmanbar; Associate Professor, University of Stavanger, Norway
Publicity Chair: Dr. Michalis Skarpetis; Associate Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Technical Program Committee:​
Ashwin Viswanathan Kannan, Ph.D; Amazon Labs; CA, USA
Radu Prodan; University of Klagenfurt; Austria
Ilianna Kollia; National Technical University of Athens; Greece
Efthimis Vaiopoulos; AI Catalyst; Greece
Mario Taschwer; Klagenfurt University; Austria
George Chamilothoris; University of West Attica; Greece
Thanasis Papaioannou; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Greece
Konstantinos Touloupas; AI Catalyst; Greece
Sahar Nasirihaghighi; Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt; Austria
Mario Doeller; FH Kufstein Tirol; Austria
Stefanos Kollias; National Technical University of Athens; Greece
Bernhard Rinner; Klagenfurt University; Austria
Agis Georgiou; AI Catalyst; Greece
Fadi Shehadeh; National Technical University of Athens; Greece
Murat Ozbayoglu; TOBB University of Economics and Technology; Turkey
Nikolay Nikolov; SINTEF; Norway
Ferhat Ozgur Catak; University of Stavanger; Norway
Abhimanyu Mukerji; Amazon; USA
Christos Papatheodorou; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Greece
Demetris Gerogiannis; AI Catalyst; Greece
George Stavrakakis; Technical University of Crete; Greece
Guido Bologna; University of Applied Science of Western Switzerland; Switzerland
Hadi Amirpourazarian; University of Klagenfurt; Austria
Stefanos Vrochidis; Information Technologies Institute; Greece
Fatma GündoÄŸdu;
Christian Beecks; University of Hagen; Germany
Christoforos Economakos; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Greece
George Fragulis; University of Western Macedonia; Greece
Jungwon Seo; University of Stavanger; Norway
Dragi Kimovski; University of Klagenfurt; Austria
Georgios Alexandridis; National & Kapodistrian University of Athens; Greece
Paul Sotiriadis; National Technical University of Athens; Greece
Dimitrios Fragkoulis; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Greece
Prof. Dr. Fotis N. Koumboulis
Professor of Robotics and Industrial Automation; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Dr. Nalinaksh Vyas
Chairman - Technology Mission for Indian Railways (TMIR); Ministry of Railways, India
Prof. Dr. Tomasz Wiktorski
Data Operations Manager; Aker BP ASA, Norway
Ulysse Côté-Allard
Co-Founder and CEO at SiFi Labs; Associate Professor of Cybernetics and Autonomous Systems, University of Oslo, Norway
Marianne Lie Howard
Director - Technology Law;
Deloitte, Norway
Industrial Talks
Prof. Dr. Stefanos Kollias, Professor of National Technical University of Athens, GRNET Chairman, Advisory Board Member AI Catalyst; Greece | Topic: Artificial Intelligence and the Greek Innovation Ecosystem | |
Mr. Dimitrios Botsis, UniSystems; Greece | Topic: AI-Driven Predictive Maintenance: Enhancing Reliability and Productivity in Industry 4.0 | |
Georgios Karamanolis, Co-Founder & CTO/CIO, Crowdpolicy & FintelioX; Greece | Topic: AI Journey in Greece, ecosystem, challenges and opportunities |